Dave chats with Shelby Shoffstall, a recruiting manager at Robert Half. They cover several subjects, including how culture can give your organization an edge in hiring, the difficulties of hiring in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how your organization might be able to benefit from using a recruiter to fill your next open position.
Connect with Shelby on LinkedIn or at shelby.shoffstall@roberthalf.com.
Today’s Episode
“Accountable” Audio Archive
David is SCACPA’s advisor and speaker on Business and Industry topics. Join us often as he chats with today’s business leaders. Visit and “Like” the new David Peters Financial Facebook page at www.facebook.com/davidpetersfinancial.
You can reach David at david@davidpetersfinancial.com with your questions and comments.
You can also watch this interview on the YouTube channel for David Peters Financial.
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Previous Installments
March 1: Checking Up on Your Employee Health Insurance Benefits, with EBofVA President Brian Marks
Feb. 16: Navigating the Budgeting Process with Vic Taylor, CPA
Feb. 3: Making Retirement Savings a Habit, with Taylor Watts, CFP