The CPA Profession has celebrated a long list of legislative victories, but none of those successes are possible without legislators who listen to and support our position. It is the South Carolina CPA-Political Action Committee (CPA-PAC) that enables members of the CPA profession to support legislators who share our views.

SCACPA has one of the strongest grassroots networks in South Carolina. Our main areas of focus deal with how our profession is regulated by the state and how those laws and regulations protect the public. To be compliant with campaign laws, all fundraising for efforts that directly involve attempts to impact legislation must be done through SCACPA’s Political Action Committee.

“Our results are evident in the legislative impact we have been able to make over the past few years,” said Bratton Fennell, CPA, a former Chairman of the SCACPA CPA-PAC as well as a SCACPA Past President (2015-16) and a SCACPA Member since 1989.

The CPA-Political Action Committee is a non-partisan committee comprised of CPAs who oversee the investment of financial contributions from SCACPA members in state political leadership (state legislators and candidates for state office) who support CPAs and business interests.

Contributions to key leaders and members of the legislature have helped the profession enjoy a long list of legislative victories. One important area where the PAC’s influence is felt annually is in getting state tax Conformity passed by the legislature early enough to ensure that clients are filing a tax returns that are compliant with current tax law.

“We have helped revise statues that regulate our profession to make sure they reflect current auditing and attestation standards and that the Board of Accountancy has better tools available to them to better regulate our profession and keep our accreditation relevant,” Fennell said.

A small portion ($7.50) of annual dues goes to benefit the SCACPA CPA-PAC.  With your donation to the CPA-PAC, we:

  • Educate legislators about matters that are important to the profession
  • Realize greater legislative effectiveness
  • Keep SCACPA membership fully informed on the issues
  • Send a clear, consistent message

Any additional donations are greatly appreciated. Contact or mail checks payable to the SCACPA CPA-PAC and send to 1300 12th St., Suite D, Cayce, SC 29033.

For more details or to donate directly online, please visit the CPA-PAC page at