Tax Planning Based on Form 1040 (LITX21/25)
Event Description
The many changes made to the Internal Revenue Code have created numerous unique planning opportunities for individuals. Careful tax planners must weigh current rules with an eye toward the future. This course will assist the practitioner in charting alternatives and guiding clients through these complex tax times. Planning is a year-round process, and this course is loaded with ideas that can be used throughout the year to reduce taxes. Among the ideas discussed will be the Alternative Minimum Tax, charitable giving, tax-saving strategies for real estate owners and investors, and much more. Working systematically through Form 1040, the practitioner will be given many ideas on how to reduce taxes through planning.
Enrolled Agent Approved
Designed For
This course is designed for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), tax professionals, and advisors who assist individual clients with tax planning and compliance. It is ideal for those seeking to stay current with tax regulations and optimize planning strategies.
- Identify unique planning opportunities created by recent changes to the Internal Revenue Code.
- Explore tax-saving strategies, including the Alternative Minimum Tax and charitable giving.
- Learn effective tax planning techniques for real estate owners and investors.
- Work systematically through Form 1040 to discover actionable tax-reduction strategies.
- Equip practitioners with year-round tools and ideas to guide clients in reducing tax liabilities.
Major Subjects
- Overview of recent Internal Revenue Code changes
- Planning strategies related to the Alternative Minimum Tax
- Charitable giving tax considerations and strategies
- Tax-saving opportunities for real estate owners and investors
- Systematic exploration of Form 1040 for tax planning insights