The SCDOR’s Information Letter 20-19 is a six-page summary of significant changes in South Carolina’s tax and regulatory laws enacted as of May 2020. It was released Thursday, July 9.

The Information Letter outlines the main points of the legislation and is not an interpretation by the Department. You can refer to the full text of the legislation for details and requirements at

The General Assembly enacted:

Income Taxes, Bank Taxes, and Corporate License Fee

Senate Bill 76, Section 1 (Act No. 138): Energy Efficient Manufactured Home – Credit Extended

Senate Bill 76, Section 3 (Act No. 138): High Growth Small Business Job Creation Act (“Angel Investor Credit”) – Repeal of Act Extended and Carryforwards after Credit Repeal

House Bill 3998 (Act No. 137): South Carolina Housing Tax Credit – New Tax Credit

Property Tax

Senate Bill 975, Section 5 (Act No. Unassigned): Consolidation of Clarendon County School Districts 1 and 3 – Millage

House Bill 3695 (Act No. 126): Adjustments to Vehicle Valuations and Motorcycles for High Mileage

Sales and Use Tax

Senate Bill 76, Section 2 (Act No. 138): Certain Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes – Exemption Extended


Information Letter 20-19: