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Audit Quality Control – Avoiding Peer Review Deficiencies (LIAA31/25)

Event Description

Upper-level reviewers have significant responsibilities for ensuring high-quality audit engagements.  Unfortunately, deficient audits have serious negative consequences for both the CPA firm and the profession as a whole.  This module highlights the most important considerations for those at all levels of the engagement team with quality control responsibilities on audit engagements.

Designed For

Accountants with quality management responsibilities


  • Recall common peer review and quality control deficiencies on financial statement audits
  • Recognize important quality management standards most directly relevant to audits
  • Explain the importance of upper level workpaper reviews, including an objective engagement quality control review

Major Subjects

  • Common peer review deficiencies that quality control reviewers should be alert to
  • Important considerations of second-level and other upper-level reviewers
  • Quality Management Standards requirements specific to financial statement audits, and other regulatory oversight considerations 
  • Lessons learned from various regulatory oversight reviews