SCACPA Volunteering: Your Passion, Your Involvement, Our Success

In our effort to generate as much awareness and interest as possible, SCACPA is announcing that we are accepting nominations starting now in November 2020 for multiple seats on the SCACPA Board and for Chapter Leadership for our 2021-22 membership year. We look forward to receiving your nominations of others – or yourself.

Chapter Leadership positions are for one year, and Board nominees will be considered for a three-year term. All terms begin July 1, 2021. Nomination submissions are due May 1, 2021. All we ask is that you visit to fill out the form at the bottom of this page and clearly indicate which positions you intend to fill.

Put your talent to the test as a SCACPA Board Member or Chapter Leader. When you connect with local CPA professionals, students and legislators, you make a real difference for our Association. Plus, you gain the fulfilling volunteer experience of a lifetime.

Make the Commitment

Chapter Leaders meet locally four times a year for Chapter business, they plan social events and they meet once a year with the SCACPA Board. Chapter Leaders are sometimes asked to create and manage action teams as well as committees of local volunteers. Find out more about what’s going on in our eight statewide Chapters at It includes contact information for current officers, feel free to reach out and start a conversation in your area.

If you are ready to accept the call of leadership and you have a passion for influencing the strategic direction of the Association, here is your opportunity to make a positive impact.

SCACPA’s Executive Committee Meeting will vote at the Board of Directors Meeting on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, the day before the planned start of Spring Splash 2021 in Greenville.

Best of luck. Thank you in advance for dedicating your time to SCACPA leadership. Visit to learn about all our activities today!